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brought past tense and past participle of bring.
brow the ridge of bone above the eye, or the hair growing on it; eyebrow. [3 definitions]
brown the color of soil or coffee; a mixture of red and yellow made darker with black. [6 definitions]
brown bear a bear that is mainly brown in color, found in western North America and northern Europe and Asia. Brown bears vary in size from the small Syrian variety to the giant Kodiak bear and include the North American grizzlies. They are found in more parts of the world than any other kind of bear.
brownie a small, mythical fairy, esp. one who secretly does household work at night. [3 definitions]
brownout a curtailment or reduction of available electrical power in a neighborhood or city.
browse to examine items in a leisurely way. [6 definitions]
bruise to wound or damage without causing a break or rupture. [4 definitions]
Brunei an independent Asian country under British protection, on the north coast of Borneo.
brunette having a dark color, as hair, eyes, skin, or the like. [2 definitions]
brush1 a device made of stiff hairs, such as nylon or animal hair, fastened into a handle, for grooming, painting, scrubbing, and the like. [8 definitions]
brush2 a thick growth of small trees, shrubs, or bushes. [2 definitions]
brush up on to study again to bring one's knowledge up to date or to remember what might have been forgotten; review.
Brussels the capital of Belgium.
Brussels sprout a green vegetable resembling a small head of cabbage that grows among other heads along a tall stalk of a plant. [2 definitions]
brutal exceptionally savage, merciless, or cruel. [3 definitions]
brute any nonhuman animal, esp. a mammal. [5 definitions]
B.S.1 abbreviation of "Bachelor of Science," an undergraduate degree conferred on a person who has completed a curriculum in science, technology, or the like.
bu. abbreviation of "bushel" or "bushels."
bubble an approximately spherical volume of gas bounded by a liquid or a solid. [7 definitions]
buck1 a fully grown male of certain animal species such as the deer, goat, rabbit, and sheep. [3 definitions]