buckskin |
the hide of a deer, esp. a male deer. [4 definitions] |
bucktooth |
a conspicuously projecting upper front tooth. |
buckwheat |
any of several plants with edible seeds that are often made into flour. [2 definitions] |
bud1 |
a swelling on a plant that can develop into new parts, such as leaves or a flower. [8 definitions] |
Buddha |
the title earned by the Indian religious philosopher and teacher who founded Buddhism. (See Siddhartha.) [2 definitions] |
Buddhism |
a spiritual philosophy and religion, founded in the sixth century B.C. by Buddha and widespread in Asia, that teaches release from the self and from one's earthly desires. |
Buddhist |
one who follows the teachings of Buddhism. [2 definitions] |
buddy |
(informal) a friend; pal. [2 definitions] |
budge |
to change or begin to change position slightly (usu. used negatively). [4 definitions] |
budget |
a list of anticipated expenses and income for a certain period. [3 definitions] |
buff1 |
a soft, thick yellow leather made from the buffalo hide or the hide of other animals. [8 definitions] |
buffalo |
any of various large mammals with long legs, hooves, and horns native to Africa and Asia. [4 definitions] |
buffet2 |
a piece of furniture with a flat top and storage shelves or drawers; sideboard. [4 definitions] |
bug |
any of a large group of insects with sucking mouths and forewings thickened at the base, such as the water bug. [8 definitions] |
buggy1 |
a small carriage with four wheels that is pulled by a single horse. [3 definitions] |
bugle1 |
a horn similar to a trumpet or cornet, but usu. without keys or valves. [4 definitions] |
build |
to create by joining various parts and materials; construct. [8 definitions] |
builder |
someone or something that builds, esp. one who constructs or is involved in the construction of houses or buildings. |
building |
a relatively large structure used for residences, businesses, or the like. [2 definitions] |
build up |
to grow in size, amount, or intensity. [5 definitions] |
built |
the past tense and past participle of "build." |