burn the midnight oil |
to stay awake very late for work or study. |
burp |
(informal) the act of letting gas out from the mouth in a loud manner; belch. [3 definitions] |
burrito |
a Mexican food made of a flour tortilla stuffed with meat, cheese, beans, and other foods. |
burro |
a small donkey often used to carry supplies. |
burrow |
a hole or tunnel dug by certain animals for use as a hiding place or home. [3 definitions] |
burst |
to break, open up, or explode suddenly. [7 definitions] |
Burundi |
a central African country between Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The capital of Burundi is Gitega. |
bury |
to cover in the ground with dirt. [2 definitions] |
bury one's head in the sand |
to avoid the truth. |
bury the hatchet |
to make peace; forget past conflicts. |
bus1 |
a long motor vehicle with many rows of seats used to carry large numbers of people. Buses usually travel along a regular route. [3 definitions] |
bush1 |
a low plant with many woody branches; shrub. |
bushel1 |
in the US, a unit of measure equal to 4 pecks or 32 quarts, used for measuring grain and other dry products. [2 definitions] |
bushy |
looking like a bush; thick and shaggy. |
business |
the activity of buying and selling goods or services. [6 definitions] |
businessman |
a man who works in business, especially in a high position at a company. |
businesswoman |
a woman who works in business. |
bus stop |
a place along a bus route where the bus will stop to let people get on or off the bus. |
bust1 |
a sculpture or statue that shows the upper part of the human body from the head to the shoulders or chest. |
bust2 |
(informal) to break or burst. [4 definitions] |
bustle1 |
to move quickly and with a lot of energy (often followed by "about"). [2 definitions] |