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burst to break, open up, or explode suddenly, usu. because of internal pressure. [8 definitions]
Burundi a central African country between Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
bury to cover in the ground with dirt. [6 definitions]
bury one's head in the sand to refuse to confront reality or the facts; avoid the truth.
bury the hatchet to forget past conflicts; make peace.
bus1 a large motor vehicle with many seats, usu. used for public transportation. [3 definitions]
bush1 a low plant having many woody branches; shrub. [3 definitions]
bushel1 in the US, a unit of capacity of dry measure equal to four pecks or 35.239 liters. [5 definitions]
bushy resembling a bush; thick and shaggy. [2 definitions]
business the activity or profession of buying and/or selling goods or services. [9 definitions]
businessman a man who works in business or commerce.
businesswoman a woman who works in business or commerce.
bus stop a point along a bus route where the bus will stop to allow passengers to board or exit.
bust1 a sculpture or other representation of the upper portion of the human body from the head to the shoulders or chest. [2 definitions]
bust2 (informal) to break or burst. [10 definitions]
bust up to break up.
busy actively occupied; engaged. [5 definitions]
busybody someone who continually interferes in or inquires about other people's affairs.
but yet; and despite this. [6 definitions]
butcher someone in the business of selling meat. [6 definitions]
butler a man employed in a household as head servant.