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bypass a road that is built to go around a busy area or to avoid something in the way. [2 definitions]
by-product some thing or result that comes from an action intended for some other purpose.
bystander someone who happens to be present when something takes place but does not take part in it.
byte a basic unit of information in computers. A byte is usually equal to eight binary digits or bits.
by the book according to the rules; in the correct way.
by the same token for the same reason.
by water by way of a boat or ship.
C1 abbreviation of "Celsius," or "Centigrade."
C2 symbol of the chemical element carbon.
c1 the third letter of the English alphabet. [3 definitions]
Ca symbol of the chemical element calcium.
CA an abbreviation of "California."
cab1 a car that carries people who need a ride and pay a fare for this; taxicab. [3 definitions]
cabbage a vegetable with large green or purple leaves that form a round head.
cabin a small house, usually built in a simple or rough way. [2 definitions]
cabinet a piece of furniture with shelves, compartments, or drawers and usually covered by a door or doors. Cabinets are used to store or hold objects. [2 definitions]
cable a thick, strong rope made of steel or fiber. [5 definitions]
cable car an enclosed vehicle either on rails or hanging from a cable that is pulled back and forth by a moving cable. A cable car carries people up and down a steep slope or across a chasm.
caboose a car at the rear of a freight train, used by the train's crew as a place for eating, sleeping, and observation of the tracks.
cacao a South American tree with yellowish flowers and reddish brown seeds. [2 definitions]
cackle to make the sharp, broken cry of a hen. [4 definitions]