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c1 the third letter of the English alphabet. [5 definitions]
Ca symbol of the chemical element calcium.
CA an abbreviation of "California," a U.S. state on the Pacific coast.
cab1 a taxicab. [3 definitions]
cabbage a vegetable with large green or purple leaves that overlap tightly to form a round head. [3 definitions]
cabin a small dwelling, usu. rough and simple in style and construction. [4 definitions]
cabinet a piece of furniture with shelves, compartments, or drawers, and usually covered by a door or doors. [6 definitions]
cable a thick, strong rope made of fiber or steel. [11 definitions]
cable car an enclosed passenger vehicle either on rails or suspended on a cable and pulled back and forth by a moving cable, esp. up and down a steep incline or across a chasm.
caboose a car at the rear of a freight train, used by the crew as a place for eating and sleeping.
cacao a South American tree bearing yellowish flowers and reddishbrown seeds. [2 definitions]
cackle to make the sharp, broken cry of a hen. [5 definitions]
cactus a leafless, fleshy-stemmed, often prickly plant that grows in hot, dry regions of America.
cadet a student in a military academy; person training to be a military officer.
café an informal restaurant, coffee shop, or barroom that usually specializes in simple meals, coffees, and desserts.
cafeteria a dining hall or restaurant in which customers select or are served their food at a counter and carry it on trays to their tables.
caffeine a bitter substance that occurs naturally in coffee, tea, chocolate, and certain other substances and has stimulant and diuretic effects.
cage a boxlike enclosure having some sections covered by wire or bars and used to confine and often to display animals or birds. [4 definitions]
caiman any of several tropical American reptiles similar to crocodiles or alligators.
Cairo the capital of Egypt.
Cajun a person of French Acadian descent, now usu. native to Louisiana. [2 definitions]