Cal.1 |
abbreviation of "large calorie," or "large calories," a unit of energy used for measuring energy value of food oxidized in the body, or the amount of food capable of producing such a unit. |
Cal.2 |
an abbreviation of "California," a U.S. state on the west coast. |
calamity |
an event causing extreme harm, suffering, or destruction; disaster. [2 definitions] |
calcium |
a chemical element of the alkaline-earth group that has twenty protons in each nucleus and occurs widely in nature, but only in compounds such as calcite or limestone. (symbol: Ca) [2 definitions] |
calculate |
to compute mathematically. [6 definitions] |
calculation |
the act, process, or result of calculating or making computations. [4 definitions] |
calculator |
a machine used in calculating or computing numbers. [2 definitions] |
Calcutta |
a state capital on the eastern coast of India. |
calendar |
a chart of the days, weeks, and months of one or more years. [4 definitions] |
calf1 |
the young of cattle or of other bovine mammals, and of some other large mammals such as seals or whales. [2 definitions] |
calf2 |
the muscular back part of a human's leg below the knee. |
calico |
a simply woven cotton cloth with a bright printed pattern. [3 definitions] |
California |
a U.S. state on the Pacific coast. (abbr.: CA) |
caliph |
in Islam, a spiritual and political leader in some Muslim countries. |
caliphate |
the area ruled, length of rule, or office of a caliph. |
call |
to shout or cry out. [22 definitions] |
call for |
to stop by for; fetch; pick up. [3 definitions] |
call it a day |
to end the day's work. |
call number |
a series of numbers or numbers and letters used to locate a book in a library. |
call off |
to cancel (an appointment, action, event, or the like). |
callous |
insensitive; unfeeling; hardhearted. [4 definitions] |