camphor |
a white substance with a very strong smell that is taken from the camphor tree. A form of camphor can also be made by people. Camphor is used in making some kinds of medicine and plastic. |
camping |
the activity of staying for a while in an outdoor place and sleeping in a tent, or sleeping in another type of shelter made for staying overnight in natural places. |
campsite |
a place where one sets up a tent or camper for camping, usually within a campground. [2 definitions] |
campus |
the grounds of a school, college, or university. |
can1 |
to be able to; have the ability to. [4 definitions] |
can2 |
a metal container for food or other products, made in the shape of a cylinder. [3 definitions] |
Canada |
a country in northern North America. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. |
Canada Day |
a Canadian holiday on July 1. It celebrates the day in 1867 when Canada was formed by four provinces joining together. |
Canadian |
of or having to do with Canada or its people or culture. [2 definitions] |
canal |
a channel of water made by humans for boat transportation or for bringing water to crops. [2 definitions] |
canary |
a small yellow or greenish bird often kept as a pet. Canaries are native to the Canary Islands and are a kind of finch. [2 definitions] |
cancel |
to do away with; decide against; call off. [2 definitions] |
cancer |
a disease in which certain cells divide and grow much faster than they normally do. [4 definitions] |
candidate |
a person who seeks to be elected or appointed to a certain position. |
candle |
a stick of wax with a wick running through the middle that is burned to give light. |
candlestick |
a holder for one or more candles. |
candy |
a sweet food made of sugar and flavorings such as chocolate or peppermint. [2 definitions] |
candy bar |
a candy in the shape of a bar, often made of chocolate or of chocolate with other ingredients such as caramel, nuts, or coconut. |
cane |
a wooden or metal stick that helps someone walk. [3 definitions] |
canine |
having to do with dogs or animals related to dogs, such as wolves, foxes, and coyotes. [3 definitions] |
Canis Major |
a constellation in the northern sky that contains Sirius, the brightest of all stars. Canis Major means "Big Dog" in Latin. |