cantor |
the synagogue official who chants in solo or leads the congregation in chanting prayers. [2 definitions] |
canvas |
heavy, tightly woven cloth, usu. of flax, hemp, or cotton, used for making sails, tents, and protective coverings. [3 definitions] |
canyon |
a deep, narrow chasm with steep sides, often with a stream flowing along the bottom. |
cap1 |
a soft, close-fitting head cover, often with a peak or visor but without a brim. [10 definitions] |
cap2 |
a capital letter. [3 definitions] |
capability |
the characteristic of being qualified or able; capacity. [3 definitions] |
capable |
having the ability to perform as required; competent. [3 definitions] |
capacity |
the ability to receive, absorb, or contain. [6 definitions] |
cape1 |
a sleeveless, loose-fitting garment that fastens at the neck and hangs loosely from the shoulders. |
cape2 |
a point of land jutting into a large body of water. |
caper1 |
a playful bound or leap. [5 definitions] |
Cape Verde |
an African country comprising Atlantic islands west of the Senegal coast. |
capillary |
a minute, hairlike blood vessel connecting the end of an artery to the beginning of a vein. [6 definitions] |
cap in hand |
in a humble manner. |
capital1 |
the city where the central government of a nation or state is located. [10 definitions] |
capital2 |
in architecture, the uppermost part of a column or pillar. |
capitalism |
an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned and prices are chiefly determined by open competition in a free market. |
capitalize |
to write or print (something) using capital letters or using a capital letter as the initial letter. [4 definitions] |
capitol |
the building in which a state legislature meets. [3 definitions] |
Capricorn |
see "Capricornus." [3 definitions] |
capsize |
to overturn or cause to overturn. |