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captain a leader. [7 definitions]
caption the words that describe a picture or graph in a magazine, book, or newspaper.
captive one who is captured and held prisoner. [2 definitions]
captor someone who captures another person and holds them somewhere.
capture to take hold or gain control of by force or through planning. [3 definitions]
capybara a large, furry rodent that has no tail. Capybara live near rivers, lakes, or other watery areas in forests or grassy regions of South America. Capybara are related to guinea pigs, mice, and squirrels, but they are much larger. Despite their size, they eat only plants.
car an automobile. [3 definitions]
Caracas the capital city of Venezuela.
caramel sugar that is heated until it melts and turns brown. Caramel is used to color and flavor foods. [2 definitions]
carat a unit of weight for diamonds and other gems, equal to one-fifth of a gram.
caravan a band of people traveling together. Caravans are often formed for safety when crossing a remote area like a desert. [3 definitions]
carbohydrate a compound made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. It is formed mainly by plants, and it is used in the body to easily produce and store energy. Sugars and starches are carbohydrates. [2 definitions]
carbon a chemical element found in all living things. Pure carbon occurs as diamond or graphite. It is also often found in compounds with other elements. (symbol: C)
carbon dioxide a gas without color or odor that is made up of carbon and oxygen. Carbon dioxide is in the air and is used in soft drinks. Frozen carbon dioxide is called dry ice.
carbon monoxide a poisonous gas with no color or smell. Carbon monoxide forms when a material containing carbon, like gasoline, is not fully burned because of too little air.
carburetor the part of an engine that makes a mixture of air and gasoline that is burned by the engine when it runs.
carcass the body of a dead animal.
card1 a small piece of cardboard, plastic, or thick paper printed with information about a person. A card is used to identify the person whose name is on it. [4 definitions]
cardboard a stiff material made of layers of paper and used to make things like boxes and signs.
cardinal a high official of the Roman Catholic Church who is chosen by the Pope and second in rank to him. [3 definitions]
cardinal number any number used to indicate how many. One, three, and fifteen are cardinal numbers.