carry off |
to do successfully. [2 definitions] |
carry on |
to persist or persevere. [4 definitions] |
carry out |
to go through the steps of (something) and bring to completion; do (a task, experiment, study, or the like). [3 definitions] |
carry weight |
to have influence, importance, or authority. |
carsick |
suffering from motion sickness during car travel. |
cart |
a heavy, two-wheeled, open vehicle drawn by horse, mule, or oxen and used to transport goods. [6 definitions] |
cartilage |
a tough, white, elastic connective tissue forming a major component of the skeletons of fetuses and young vertebrates, and turning largely to bone as the organism matures. [2 definitions] |
carton |
a box made of thick paper, sometimes coated, or of plastic, made to hold one particular type of product. [2 definitions] |
cartoon |
a drawing or series of drawings, usu. with written or spoken commentary or dialogue, and usu. humorous or satirical in nature; caricature; comic strip. [5 definitions] |
cartridge |
a tubular case for an explosive charge or bullet. [4 definitions] |
cartwheel |
a sideways somersault with the arms and legs extended like wheel spokes. [2 definitions] |
carve |
to form or inscribe by cutting. [5 definitions] |
carving |
the act or product of carving in wood, stone, or the like. |
cascade |
a steep waterfall or series of small waterfalls. [5 definitions] |
case1 |
an instance or example of something. [9 definitions] |
case2 |
a receptacle for holding or carrying; container. [5 definitions] |
cash |
money in the form of bills or coins, or payment in such form. [3 definitions] |
cashew |
a tropical American evergreen tree whose bark is used to produce a medicinal gum. [2 definitions] |
cashier1 |
an employee who receives payment from customers or shoppers. [2 definitions] |
cash machine |
a bank machine used for dispensing cash and other transactions. |
cash register |
a business machine, equipped with one or more drawers for storing bills and coins, that records, displays, and keeps a running total of sales and tax receipts, used esp. in retail stores. |