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cartwheel a sideways somersault with the arms and legs extended like wheel spokes. [2 definitions]
carve to form or inscribe by cutting. [5 definitions]
carving the act or product of carving in wood, stone, or the like.
cascade a steep waterfall or series of small waterfalls. [5 definitions]
case1 an instance or example of something. [9 definitions]
case2 a receptacle for holding or carrying; container. [5 definitions]
cash money in the form of bills or coins, or payment in such form. [3 definitions]
cashew a tropical American evergreen tree whose bark is used to produce a medicinal gum. [2 definitions]
cashier1 an employee who receives payment from customers or shoppers. [2 definitions]
cash machine a bank machine used for dispensing cash and other transactions.
cash register a business machine, equipped with one or more drawers for storing bills and coins, that records, displays, and keeps a running total of sales and tax receipts, used esp. in retail stores.
cask a large, strong barrel used esp. for storing wine, sherry, and similar alcoholic beverages. [3 definitions]
casket a box in which a dead person is buried; coffin. [3 definitions]
Caspian Sea a large inland sea surrounded by Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan.
casserole a dish, often deep and covered, in which food can be baked and served. [3 definitions]
cassette a compact case for film, or audio or video tape, used to facilitate leading a camera or recorder.
cast to throw or fling. [18 definitions]
castanet one of a pair of slightly concave wooden or ivory instruments, held in the hand and clicked together to provide rhythmic accompaniment, esp. to certain Spanish dances.
cast iron an alloy of iron, carbon, silicon, and other elements that ranges from hard and brittle to soft and strong depending on its composition.
castle a large, fortified residence of nobles in feudal times, sited to dominate the surrounding countryside. [6 definitions]
casual occurring by chance; unplanned; accidental. [6 definitions]