catapult |
an ancient military machine used to hurl missiles such as large stones, esp. at fortifications. [5 definitions] |
cataract |
a large waterfall. [3 definitions] |
catastrophe |
a calamity with widespread effects; disaster. [3 definitions] |
catastrophic |
causing destruction, devastation, or very great distress; ruinous; disastrous. [2 definitions] |
catbird |
a dark gray North American songbird having one call that sounds like the mewing of a cat. |
catch |
to capture or grab, usu. after pursuit. [18 definitions] |
catcher |
one that catches. [2 definitions] |
catch fire |
to start to burn. |
catching |
tending to infect or be taken up by another. [2 definitions] |
catch someone's eye |
to get the attention of someone. |
catchup |
a variant of ketchup. |
catch up |
to reach the same distance or level as another or others who are further ahead (usu. fol. by "to" or "with"). [3 definitions] |
category |
a specific class or group in a classification system. |
cater |
to supply food, service, or entertainment, esp. off the main business premises. [3 definitions] |
caterpillar |
a butterfly or moth larva, resembling a worm and often brightly colored. [2 definitions] |
catfish |
any of several chiefly freshwater fish with large heads, long feelers around the mouth resembling a cat's whiskers, and no scales. |
cathedral |
the principal church of a bishop's diocese, containing his official throne. [5 definitions] |
catholic |
all-encompassing or wide-ranging. [3 definitions] |
CAT scan |
a cross-sectional image formed by a computerized combination of x-rays taken along a selected axis of the body, used as a diagnostic tool in medical treatment; computerized axial tomography scan. |
catsup |
a variant of ketchup. |
cattail |
any of several tall, reedlike marsh plants with tiny brown flowers growing in dense rows on a cylindrical spike. |