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cease to stop or come to an end. [3 definitions]
cedar any of several cone-bearing evergreen trees of the pine family with aromatic, durable wood. [3 definitions]
cedilla a diacritical mark (ç), placed under certain letters in French, Portuguese, Turkish, and Russian to indicate a particular pronunciation, as, in French, the sound of "s" for the letter "c".
ceiling the top interior surface of a room. [3 definitions]
celebrate to observe or commemorate (an occasion or event), as with gifts, festivities, or special rituals. [4 definitions]
celebration the act of celebrating. [2 definitions]
celebrity one who is famous. [2 definitions]
celery a plant cultivated for its crunchy, edible stalk and for its leaves and seeds, used as seasoning.
celestial of or pertaining to heaven. [6 definitions]
cell a microscopic unit of plant or animal life, usually containing a nucleus and surrounded by a very thin membrane. [4 definitions]
cellar a room or rooms wholly or partly underground and usu. beneath a building; basement. [4 definitions]
cello a large four-stringed instrument of the violin family with a pitch lower than that of the viola but higher than that of the double bass; violoncello.
cellophane a thin, transparent cellulose wrapping. [2 definitions]
cell phone a mobile telephone that operates using radio signals and therefore requires no wires. A cell phone is part of a system composed of many low-power radio transmitters located in "cells" across a region and will receive a radio signal from whichever transmitter in the system is closest; cellular phone.
cellular phone a mobile telephone that operates using radio signals and therefore requires no wires. A cellular phone is part of a system composed of many low-power radio transmitters located in "cells" across a region and will receive a radio signal from whichever transmitter in the system is closest; cell phone; mobile phone.
celluloid a flammable, brittle material used esp. for motion picture film. [2 definitions]
cellulose an inert carbohydrate that is the main element of plant tissue, used in manufacturing paper, cellophane, textiles, and the like.
Celsius of, pertaining to, or designating a temperature scale on which zero degrees is the freezing point and one hundred degrees is the boiling point of water; centigrade. (abbr.: C)
cement any of various powdered mixtures of clay and limestone that harden into a solid with the addition of water, used as a construction material. [6 definitions]
cemetery a burial ground, esp. one that is not connected to a church; graveyard.
censor an official who examines written works, films, plays, and the like in order to delete parts that are considered objectionable on political, moral, or other grounds. [6 definitions]