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celluloid a flammable, brittle material used esp. for motion picture film. [2 definitions]
cellulose an inert carbohydrate that is the main element of plant tissue, used in manufacturing paper, cellophane, textiles, and the like.
Celsius of, pertaining to, or designating a temperature scale on which zero degrees is the freezing point and one hundred degrees is the boiling point of water; centigrade. (abbr.: C)
cement any of various powdered mixtures of clay and limestone that harden into a solid with the addition of water, used as a construction material. [6 definitions]
cemetery a burial ground, esp. one that is not connected to a church; graveyard.
censor an official who examines written works, films, plays, and the like in order to delete parts that are considered objectionable on political, moral, or other grounds. [6 definitions]
census an official count and statistical survey of a population, usu. conducted at periodic intervals.
cent a monetary unit of numerous countries, including the United States and Canada; a hundredth part of certain currencies. [2 definitions]
centaur in Greek mythology, any of a race of creatures that have the head, arms, and torso of a man and the trunk and legs of a horse.
centennial of or pertaining to a one hundredth anniversary. [4 definitions]
center the point that is in the exact middle of something, or that is equidistant from all points on a boundary. [9 definitions]
center field in baseball, the center area of the outfield, which extends behind second base. [2 definitions]
center fielder in baseball, the player who is stationed in center field when the other team is batting and whose primary function is to defend that territory.
centi- one hundredth. [2 definitions]
centigrade see "Celsius."
centimeter a unit of length equal to one hundredth of a meter or 0.3937 inch. (abbr.: cm)
centipede any of various nocturnal arthropods, with a narrow, wormlike body consisting of many segments, each segment having a pair of legs and the front segment having poison fangs or claws.
central of or being the center. [4 definitions]
Central Africa a large region of Africa in the central part of the continent usually consisting of Chad, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, the Republic of the Congo, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and often including, in addition, other nearby nations depending on which definition of the region is used.
Central African Republic an African country bordered by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, Chad, and Sudan.
Central America an extension of the North American continent from the Mexican border to South America, comprising seven countries.