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certain without doubt; convinced; sure. [8 definitions]
certainly by all means; without question. [3 definitions]
certainty the state of being assured, confident, or positive. [2 definitions]
certificate a document stating or affirming the veracity or factuality of something. [6 definitions]
cetacean of or belonging to the group of aquatic mammals that includes whales, porpoises, and dolphins. [2 definitions]
Chad a central African country bordered by Libya, Sudan, Central African Republic, and Niger.
chain a series of connected links, usu. made of metal, used for attaching, pulling, binding, or ornamentation. [9 definitions]
chair a piece of furniture, usu. with a back and four legs, for one person to sit on. [5 definitions]
chairlift a system of chairs suspended from a power-driven cable, used to carry people, esp. skiers, up or down mountainsides.
chairman a man who presides over a board, meeting, committee, or the like.
chairperson one who presides over a board, meeting, committee, or the like.
chalk a soft whitish limestone derived mostly from minute sea shells. [6 definitions]
chalkboard a smooth panel to be written on with chalk; blackboard.
chalk up to score; earn. [2 definitions]
challenge a provocative or stimulating invitation to enter into a battle or other contest of skill. [7 definitions]
chamber a room, esp. a bedroom. [6 definitions]
chameleon any of a variety of lizards capable of changing skin color to blend with the environment.
champagne a sparkling white wine produced in the Champagne region of France. [2 definitions]
champion one that has taken first place in a competition; winner. [5 definitions]
championship (sometimes pl.) one or more competitions held to determine the champion. [3 definitions]
chance the quality of happening unexpectedly and randomly, without intention or design. [7 definitions]