chap1 |
to crack or redden (the skin). [3 definitions] |
chap2 |
(informal) a man or boy; fellow. |
chapel |
a place of worship, usu. a small building or a room in a larger building, for a small number of worshipers or for private use. [3 definitions] |
chaperone |
a person, usu. older, who accompanies unmarried young people on social occasions to assure that no improper, unlawful, or unsafe behavior occurs. [2 definitions] |
chaplain |
a member of the clergy attached to a school, military unit, hospital, or other institution. |
chaps |
full-length leather leggings worn esp. by cowboys to protect the legs while riding horseback. |
chapter |
one of the main sections of a book, usu. marked with a number or title. [4 definitions] |
character |
the distinguishing qualities and attributes of a person, place, or thing. [7 definitions] |
characteristic |
indicating the typical or distinguishing attributes and qualities of a person, group, action, or thing. [3 definitions] |
characterize |
to describe (someone or something) in terms of what one considers to be the most distinguishing feature or features; ascribe certain characteristics to. [2 definitions] |
charcoal |
solid black carbon resulting from heating wood or other organic substances in a relatively airless enclosure. [7 definitions] |
charge |
to give (someone) a responsibility or duty. [22 definitions] |
charged |
carrying electrical energy. |
charging station |
a machine that supplies electrical energy to vehicles powered by electricity, or the place having such a machine. |
chariot |
in ancient times, a two-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle driven from a standing position. [3 definitions] |
charity |
something given to a needy person or persons; alms. [5 definitions] |
charm |
(sometimes pl.) the capability to allure, delight, and please; attractiveness. [11 definitions] |
charming |
alluring, delightful, or very attractive. |
chart |
a display of information in graphic or tabular form. [6 definitions] |
charter |
a document issued by a government or other central authority, permitting the organization of a corporation, branch, or other subordinate body. [7 definitions] |
chase1 |
to follow with the goal of overtaking; run after. [9 definitions] |