chat |
to talk in a friendly or easy manner. [2 definitions] |
château |
a castle or country manor in France. |
chatter |
to speak rapidly and without saying anything important. [5 definitions] |
chauffeur |
a person whose job is to drive an automobile. |
cheap |
having a low price. [4 definitions] |
cheat |
a person who acts in a dishonest way in order to gain something. [3 definitions] |
check |
a test or search to make sure that something is correct or in order. [11 definitions] |
checker1 |
one of the disks used as a game piece in checkers. Checkers is a game played by two people. Each player has twelve pieces to move over a board divided into sixty-four squares of two alternating colors. |
checker2 |
a person working as one of the cashiers at the front of a supermarket or other store. |
checkerboard |
a surface marked into sixty-four squares of two alternating colors. It is used as a game board for checkers or chess. |
checkers |
(plural but used with a singular verb) a game played by two people. Each player has twelve pieces to move over a board divided into sixty-four squares of two alternating colors. |
check in |
to let people know in an official way that one has arrived or that one is ready for something; register. |
checkout |
the place where one pays for items at a supermarket or other large store. |
checkup |
an examination of a person or thing to discover if there are any problems. Having a doctor look closely at one's body to make sure one is healthy is one kind of checkup. Having a mechanic look at a car to make sure it is running properly is another kind of checkup. |
cheek |
either side of the face between the nose and the ear. [2 definitions] |
cheep |
to make a peeping sound; chirp. [2 definitions] |
cheer |
glad feelings; happiness. [6 definitions] |
cheerful |
full of cheer; happy. [2 definitions] |
cheese |
a food made by pressing together a mass of soft, thick soured milk solids. |
cheetah |
a large, wild cat of Africa and southern Asia that has solid black spots on its fur. Cheetahs have long legs and are the fastest animal on land. Sometimes they are trained for hunting game. |
chef |
a cook in charge of a hotel or restaurant kitchen. |