chemical |
a distinct substance, such as an element or molecular compound, used in or obtained through a reaction involving atomic or molecular changes. [3 definitions] |
chemist |
one who is active or expert in the field of chemistry. [3 definitions] |
chemistry |
the science that studies the structures, functions, transformations, and interactions of basic elements, as, for example, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and sodium, as well as complex substances that combine basic elements. [4 definitions] |
chemistry lab |
in a school, a place where students studying chemistry can observe chemical reactions and carry out small experiments. |
chemotherapy |
the science or practice of destroying disease-causing microorganisms or malignant tissue by use of chemicals, esp. toxic ones. |
cherish |
to value with great affection. [3 definitions] |
Cherokee |
a member of a North American Indian tribe that formerly lived in the southeastern United States, and now is mostly in Oklahoma and North Carolina. [2 definitions] |
cherry |
the edible fruit of the cherry tree, having a small, hard stone enclosed by yellow, red, or dark purple flesh. [4 definitions] |
chess1 |
a game of strategy for two people in which each player starts with a king and queen, two each of bishops, knights, and rooks, and eight pawns and in which the object is to trap the opponent's king. |
chest |
the upper front section of the human body between the neck and the abdomen. [4 definitions] |
chestnut |
an edible nut produced by a tree or shrub of the beech family and having a prickly shell. [5 definitions] |
chew |
to tear or grind between the teeth; masticate. [6 definitions] |
chewing gum |
a soft and sticky product used for prolonged chewing, usu. made of chicle that has been sweetened and flavored. |
chew out |
(informal) to scold. |
chewy |
requiring much chewing. |
Cheyenne |
a member of an American Indian tribe that now lives in Montana and Oklahoma. [3 definitions] |
Chicago |
a major U.S. city in Illinois near the southern tip of Lake Michigan. |
Chicana |
a woman or girl of Mexican descent who lives in or is a citizen of the United States. |
Chicano |
an American citizen or resident of Mexican descent. |
chick |
a newly hatched or immature bird or fowl, esp. a chicken. [2 definitions] |
chickadee |
a small North American bird with a gray body and black head and throat. |