Chicago |
a major U.S. city in Illinois near the southern tip of Lake Michigan. |
Chicana |
a woman or girl of Mexican descent who lives in or is a citizen of the United States. |
Chicano |
an American citizen or resident of Mexican descent. |
chick |
a newly hatched or immature bird or fowl, esp. a chicken. [2 definitions] |
chickadee |
a small North American bird with a gray body and black head and throat. |
chicken |
the common farm fowl, kept for its meat and eggs. [4 definitions] |
chicken out |
(informal) to refrain from doing an intended thing because of fear; to lose one's courage to do something. |
chicken pox |
a contagious viral disease, usu. of children, that produces fever and skin eruptions. |
chief |
the foremost or most important person in a group; leader. [3 definitions] |
chiefly |
principally. [2 definitions] |
chieftain |
a leader of a band of people, esp. of a clan or tribe. |
chigger |
a tiny parasitic mite larva that lives in the skin of vertebrates, causing severe itching and possible spreading of infectious disease. [2 definitions] |
child |
a young human; baby. [5 definitions] |
childbirth |
the act or occasion of giving birth to a child; parturition. |
childhood |
the period or state of being a child. |
childish |
typical of or appropriate for a child. [2 definitions] |
childlike |
like or appropriate to a child, esp. in simplicity, openness, or innocence. |
children |
pl. of child. |
Chile |
a South American country on the Pacific coast south of Peru. |
chile |
variant of chili. |
chili |
the strong, sharp-tasting pod of any of several varieties of a tropical pepper plant. [3 definitions] |