chimp |
(informal) a chimpanzee. |
chimpanzee |
a highly intelligent African species of ape, closely related to humans and smaller than the gorilla. |
chin |
the central, protruding part of the jaw below the mouth. [3 definitions] |
China |
a large, populous East Asian country on the Pacific coast; People's Republic of China. [2 definitions] |
china |
delicate, high-quality ceramic material or ware; porcelain. [2 definitions] |
China Sea |
see "East China Sea," "South China Sea." |
chinchilla |
a small South American rodent that resembles a squirrel. [4 definitions] |
Chinese |
a native or citizen of China, or a descendant thereof. [4 definitions] |
chink1 |
a narrow crack; crevice; fissure. [3 definitions] |
chink2 |
to make or cause to make a sharp, chimelike sound, as of two pieces of metal or glass striking together. [2 definitions] |
chip1 |
a small piece broken, cut, or chopped off of a hard material. [10 definitions] |
chip in |
to contribute money or effort. [2 definitions] |
chipmunk |
a small, squirrel-like rodent with a striped back and bushy tail, found in North America and Asia. |
chip off the old block |
one who is very similar to one of his or her parents. |
chip on one's shoulder |
a persistent feeling of resentment or unhappiness; grudge. |
chirp |
to utter a short, high-pitched sound, as of a grasshopper or small bird. [3 definitions] |
chisel |
a metal, wedge-shaped tool with a sharp edge, used for cutting stone, wood, or metal. [4 definitions] |
chivalry |
the practices, principles, and spirit of medieval knighthood. [3 definitions] |
chlorine |
a chemical element of the halogen group that has seventeen protons in each nucleus, occurs naturally only in compounds such as sodium chloride and chloroform, and can be isolated in pure form as a toxic yellow-green gas. (symbol: Cl) [2 definitions] |
chlorophyll |
the green pigment in the leaves and stems of plants that is necessary for the production of plant food by photosynthesis. |
chocolate |
a powder or solid made from ground and roasted cacao seeds. [7 definitions] |