chlorophyll |
the green pigment in the leaves and stems of plants that is necessary for the production of plant food by photosynthesis. |
chocolate |
a powder or solid made from ground and roasted cacao seeds. [7 definitions] |
chocolate bar |
a candy bar made primarily with chocolate. |
chocolate milk |
cow's milk with sweet, chocolate-flavored syrup or chocolate powder added. |
choice |
an act of choosing or selecting; selection. [7 definitions] |
choir |
a group of people who sing together, esp. one that sings religious music. [3 definitions] |
choke |
to stop or obstruct the breathing of, esp. by squeezing, blocking, or irritating the windpipe. [9 definitions] |
choke up |
to lose the ability to speak because of intense emotion or stress. [2 definitions] |
cholesterol |
a white substance, found in various tissues of all animals, which serves as a detoxifier in the bloodstream and surrounds certain nerve sheaths, and an excess of which is thought to contribute to hardening of the arteries. |
choose |
to select from two or more alternatives. [4 definitions] |
chop1 |
to cut by hitting repeatedly, esp. with an ax or other similar sharp tool (often fol. by "down" or "off"). [8 definitions] |
chopstick |
one of a pair of thin wooden, ivory, or plastic sticks used as eating utensils, esp. in East Asian countries. |
chord1 |
a line segment connecting two points on a curve. [3 definitions] |
chord2 |
three or more musical tones played at the same time. [2 definitions] |
chore |
a routine task, esp. around the house or yard. [2 definitions] |
chorus |
an ensemble of singers. [6 definitions] |
chose |
past tense of choose. |
chosen |
past participle of choose. [3 definitions] |
chow1 |
(informal) food. |
chow2 |
a stocky, medium-sized dog of Chinese origin that has a thick red or black coat, a blackish tongue, and a tail that curls over the back. |
chowder |
a thick soup typically containing clams, fish, or corn, with potatoes and onions in a milk or tomato base. |