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cholesterol a white substance, found in the tissues of humans and animals, which acts to clean the bloodstream and surrounds certain nerves. Cholesterol is made in the body but can also be obtained from animal foods such as meat and cheese.
choose to pick one or more from a group. [2 definitions]
chop1 to cut by hitting many times with a very sharp tool. [4 definitions]
chopstick one of a pair of thin sticks used for eating, especially in East Asian countries.
chord1 a line that connects two points on a circle.
chord2 three or more musical notes played at the same time.
chore a routine task around the house or yard. [2 definitions]
chorus a group of people who sing together. [3 definitions]
chose past tense of "choose."
chosen past participle of "choose."
chow1 (informal) food.
chow2 a Chinese breed of dog. Chows are sturdy dogs of medium size with a thick red or black coat, a black tongue, and a tail that curls over the back.
chowder a thick soup in which clams, fish, or corn are added to potatoes and onions in a milk or tomato base.
Christ See "Jesus Christ."
christen to give a name to at baptism. [2 definitions]
Christian of, concerning, or coming from the person, actions, or words of Jesus Christ, or the religion based on his teachings. [4 definitions]
Christianity the Christian religion, including its many separate branches. [2 definitions]
Christmas December 25, a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. [2 definitions]
Christmas tree a real or artificial evergreen tree, usually placed indoors and decorated with lights and ornaments at Christmas.
chromatic having to do with color or colors. [2 definitions]
chromatic scale a musical scale of half steps.