chowder |
a thick soup typically containing clams, fish, or corn, with potatoes and onions in a milk or tomato base. |
Christ |
in the New Testament, the designation of the Old Testament "Messiah". [2 definitions] |
christen |
to baptize, sometimes simultaneously giving a formal name to. [3 definitions] |
Christian |
of, concerning, or derived from the person, actions, or teachings of Jesus Christ, or the religion based on these teachings. [5 definitions] |
Christianity |
the Christian religion, including its many sects. [4 definitions] |
Christmas |
December 25, celebrated in Christianity as the birth date of Jesus Christ. [3 definitions] |
Christmas tree |
a real or imitation evergreen tree, usu. mounted indoors and decorated with lights and ornaments at Christmas. |
chromatic |
having to do with color or colors. [2 definitions] |
chromatic scale |
a musical scale consisting of all half steps. |
chromium |
a chemical element that has twenty-four protons in each nucleus and that occurs as a silver-gray, lustrous, corrosion-resistant solid metal, chiefly used in electroplating, alloys such as stainless steel, or compounds with other elements. (symbol: Cr) |
chromosome |
one of the tiny, threadlike, DNA-containing bodies found in the cell nuclei of all plants and animals, responsible for transmitting hereditary characteristics. |
chronic |
tending to a certain behavior or illness for a long time or continually. [3 definitions] |
chronological |
according to the sequence in which things happen. [2 definitions] |
chrysalis |
a hard shell or cocoon encasing a moth or butterfly in the pupal stage; pupa. |
chrysanthemum |
any of various perennial plants cultivated for their attractive autumnal blooms. [2 definitions] |
chubby |
plump and round. |
chuck1 |
to playfully or affectionately touch or pat, esp. under the chin. [6 definitions] |
chuckle |
to laugh softly or in a half-suppressed manner. [3 definitions] |
chug |
a short, repetitive, explosive sound, esp. that made by a slow-moving locomotive. [3 definitions] |
chum1 |
(informal) a close or intimate friend; pal. [2 definitions] |
chunk |
a thick lump or piece of any material. [2 definitions] |