civilian |
a person who is not serving in the armed forces or the police. [2 definitions] |
civilization |
an advanced state of development of a society as judged by such things as having a system of government and laws, using a written language, and keeping written records. [2 definitions] |
civilize |
to bring education and training to, especially in the arts, science, and government. |
civilized |
having a high level of culture, education, legal sophistication, or knowledge. |
civil rights |
the rights given by a nation's government to all its citizens. [2 definitions] |
civil service |
any branch of government that is not part of the legislature, court system, or the military. |
civil war |
a war within one country between different groups or areas of that country. [2 definitions] |
Cl |
symbol of the chemical element chlorine |
clad1 |
a past tense and past participle of "clothe." |
clad2 |
to join a metal to another metal in order to make it stronger or protect it. |
claim |
to state or demand as one's right. [5 definitions] |
clam |
an animal with a soft body and a hard shell made of two hinged pieces that open and close. Many kinds of clams live in the ocean and in fresh water. People eat some kinds of clams. Clams are mollusks. [2 definitions] |
clambake |
a picnic or party on the beach at which clams and other foods are cooked. The food is usually baked or steamed on heated rocks covered with a layer of seaweed. |
clamber |
to climb with difficulty or in an awkward way, using hands and feet. |
clamor |
a loud noise that goes on for sometime. [3 definitions] |
clamp |
a device used to fasten, support, or press together two or more objects or pieces. [3 definitions] |
clamp down |
to apply strong pressure in order to hold tightly. [2 definitions] |
clam up |
(informal) to stop talking or refuse to speak. |
clan |
a group among the Scottish people that is made up of families with a common ancestor. [2 definitions] |
clang |
to make a clear, loud sound or ring, such as that made when two heavy metal objects are struck together. [2 definitions] |
clank |
a short sound, as of metal being struck, that does not ring. [4 definitions] |