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clamor a loud or sustained uproar or din, esp. of voices. [6 definitions]
clamp a device used to fasten, support, or compress two or more objects or pieces. [4 definitions]
clamp down (informal) to establish or increase controls or penalties with respect to criminal or disapproved of behaviors. [2 definitions]
clam up (informal) to stop talking or refuse to speak.
clan among the Scottish Highlanders, a traditional basis of social organization, composed of a group of families claiming a common hereditary ancestor. [3 definitions]
clang to emit a clear, resonant sound or ring, such as that made when two heavy metal objects are struck together. [3 definitions]
clank a short, metallic sound that does not resonate. [4 definitions]
clap to strike (one's open hands) together to make a sharp sound, esp. repeatedly, as an expression of approval or agreement. [11 definitions]
clarify to make more understandable; make clear. [3 definitions]
clarinet a woodwind instrument with a single-reed mouthpiece attached to a long, usu. wooden tube with finger holes and keys along its length.
clarity the state or quality of being clearly understandable or precise. [2 definitions]
clash to strike together noisily and harshly. [6 definitions]
clasp a usu. metal device with two interlocking parts, used to fasten something. [4 definitions]
class a group of animals or things in which all members share certain characteristics; kind. [8 definitions]
classic representative or typical of a class or category; serving as a standard. [10 definitions]
classical of or pertaining to ancient Greek and Roman culture. [4 definitions]
classify to arrange or divide into groups with respect to type or class. [3 definitions]
classmate a person in the same class at a college or school.
classroom a room where classes are held in a college, school, or training facility.
clatter to make a loud rattling noise, as by striking objects together or by moving. [3 definitions]
clause in grammar, a sequence of words having a subject and a verb and forming one part of a compound or complex sentence, or all of a simple sentence. [2 definitions]