clarify |
to make easier to understand; make clear. |
clarinet |
a woodwind instrument with a reed mouthpiece attached to a long tube with finger holes and keys along its length. |
clarity |
the state or condition of being clear or being understood. [2 definitions] |
clash |
to strike together with force, making a loud noise. [5 definitions] |
clasp |
a device with two parts that fit together, used to fasten something. [4 definitions] |
class |
a group of people or things that are similar in certain ways. [8 definitions] |
classic |
something that remains popular over a long period of time. [4 definitions] |
classical |
having to do with ancient Greek and Roman culture. [2 definitions] |
classify |
to group or order in classes. [2 definitions] |
classmate |
a person in the same class as another at a college or school. |
classroom |
a room in a school or college where classes are held. |
clatter |
to make a loud rattling noise. [2 definitions] |
clause |
a group of words that has a subject and a verb. Clauses can be part or all of a sentence. [2 definitions] |
claw |
a thin, sharp, curved nail on the foot of an animal. [4 definitions] |
clay |
moist, stiff earth that is used for making brick, pottery, and tile. |
clean |
not dirty or stained. [6 definitions] |
cleaner |
a person or thing that cleans. [2 definitions] |
cleaning |
clothing that is taken to a dry-cleaning store instead of being washed at home. |
cleanliness |
the condition of being clean, or not dirty; the habit of always keeping clean. |
cleanse |
to make clean; remove dirt from. |
cleanser |
a liquid or powder used for cleaning. |