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clean not dirty or stained. [6 definitions]
cleaner a person or thing that cleans. [2 definitions]
cleaning clothing that is taken to a dry-cleaning store instead of being washed at home.
cleanliness the condition of being clean, or not dirty; the habit of always keeping clean.
cleanse to make clean; remove dirt from.
cleanser a liquid or powder used for cleaning.
clean slate an honorable record. [2 definitions]
clean up one's act (informal) to improve one's performance or behavior.
clear free of darkness, clouds, or haze. [14 definitions]
clearance the space between things that keeps them from striking against each other. [2 definitions]
clearing an open piece of land that has no trees or bushes.
clearly in a clear manner. [2 definitions]
cleaver a heavy tool with a wide blade used especially by butchers for cutting meat.
clef one of the signs placed on a musical staff. They show the pitch at which the note should be played.
cleft split; divided. [2 definitions]
clench to close tightly shut. [2 definitions]
clergy the group of people who have the authority to lead religious services, such as ministers, priests, and rabbis.
clergyman a member of the clergy.
clerk a person who does office work, such as keeping records, finding information, filing, and making copies. [2 definitions]
clever having a bright, sharp, and quick mind; intelligent. [2 definitions]
click a slight, sharp sound. [7 definitions]