cobalt |
a chemical element that has twenty-seven protons in each nucleus and occurs as a brittle silver-white solid metal, used in a variety of alloys to increase hardness. (symbol: Co) |
cobbler |
a person who makes or repairs shoes or boots. [3 definitions] |
cobblestone |
a naturally rounded stone, about the size of a fist, formerly used in paving streets or the like. |
cobra |
any of several venomous snakes of Asia and Africa that rear up and flatten the skin of the neck when threatened. [2 definitions] |
cobweb |
a web spun by a spider, esp. an abandoned one, or a single strand of this web. [5 definitions] |
cock1 |
the adult male of a chicken or other fowl; rooster. [7 definitions] |
cock2 |
to tilt to one side or to turn upward, esp. jauntily, alertly, or expectantly. [2 definitions] |
cockatoo |
any of various crested, mostly white parrots of Australia and other parts of the South Pacific. |
cocker spaniel |
a small spaniel characterized by a compact body, short legs, a soft wavy coat, and long drooping ears. |
cockle |
any of a number of round or heart-shaped, often edible, mollusks with two hinged shells. [5 definitions] |
cockpit |
an enclosed area from which the pilot and crew control an airplane. [3 definitions] |
cockroach |
any of a large group of flat-bodied, nocturnal insects related to the grasshopper, some of which infest homes and other buildings. |
cocktail1 |
an alcoholic beverage mixed from one or more liquors and juice, soda, or the like, often served cold. [4 definitions] |
cocky |
arrogantly self-confident. |
cocoa |
a powder made by roasting and grinding the seeds of the cacao tree and removing most of their fatty oil. [3 definitions] |
coconut |
a tropical palm tree that bears large edible seeds; coconut tree; coconut palm. [3 definitions] |
cocoon |
a fibrous covering produced by immature insects, such as butterfly and moth larvae, to protect them during metamorphosis, or by some spiders to hide their eggs. [2 definitions] |
cod |
any of a wide variety of saltwater fishes, caught commercially for food. |
c.o.d. |
abbreviation of "collect on delivery." [2 definitions] |
code |
a set of rules, laws, or regulations. [6 definitions] |
coeducation |
the schooling of males and females at the same institution and in the same classes. |