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coil1 to wind into loops or a spiral. [8 definitions]
coin a small, flat, and often circular piece of metal used as money. [5 definitions]
coincide to be in the same place or occur at the same time. [2 definitions]
coincidence the chance occurrence of two events at the same time, or any other such correspondence of things.
coke a residue consisting primarily of carbon that is left after coal has been heated in the absence of air, used as an industrial fuel and reducing agent. [2 definitions]
colander a perforated, bowl-shaped container, often with legs, used to drain food.
cold having a body temperature below normal. [7 definitions]
cold-blooded of animals such as fishes and reptiles, having blood whose temperature is dependent upon the temperature outside the organism. (Cf. warm-blooded.) [3 definitions]
coleslaw a salad made of shredded cabbage, often with a mayonnaise dressing.
coleus any of various African or Eurasian plants of the mint family, grown for their attractive multicolored leaves.
coliseum a large building or amphitheater used for entertainment events, sports, or the like.
collaborate to cooperate or work with someone else, esp. on an artistic or intellectual project. [2 definitions]
collage a type of visual art work in which diverse and often seemingly incongruous materials, such as photographs, buttons, hair, and the like, are pasted upon a surface, often with added marks or writing.
collapse to fall down; give way; cave in. [7 definitions]
collar the portion of a garment that goes around the neck and is sometimes folded over. [7 definitions]
collarbone either of two bones joining the breastbone and the shoulder blades; clavicle.
collard a type of kale grown for its edible leaves. [2 definitions]
colleague someone who shares the same profession, work, or employer.
collect to gather together or assemble. [8 definitions]
collection the act of collecting. [3 definitions]
college a school or institution of higher learning beyond the level of high school, usu. providing education in general studies or liberal arts. [3 definitions]