collapse |
to fall down; give way; cave in. [7 definitions] |
collar |
the portion of a garment that goes around the neck and is sometimes folded over. [7 definitions] |
collarbone |
either of two bones joining the breastbone and the shoulder blades; clavicle. |
collard |
a type of kale grown for its edible leaves. [2 definitions] |
colleague |
someone who shares the same profession, work, or employer. |
collect |
to gather together or assemble. [8 definitions] |
collection |
the act of collecting. [3 definitions] |
college |
a school or institution of higher learning beyond the level of high school, usu. providing education in general studies or liberal arts. [3 definitions] |
collide |
to strike or bump into one another forcefully. [2 definitions] |
collie |
one of a breed of large dogs originating in Scotland as sheep dogs and having long pointed muzzles and long-haired coats. |
collision |
an act or instance of coming together with violent force; crash. [2 definitions] |
Colombia |
a South American country between Venezuela and the Pacific Ocean. |
Colombian |
of or pertaining to Colombia or its people, culture, or the like. [2 definitions] |
colon1 |
a punctuation mark (:) indicating that what follows is a series, example, summation, elaboration, or the like. [2 definitions] |
colon2 |
in anatomy, the segment of the large intestine between the cecum and the rectum. |
colonel |
in the U.S. Army, Air Force, and Marines, a rank above lieutenant colonel and below brigadier general. |
colonial |
of or pertaining to a territory ruled by a distant country; of or pertaining to a colony or colonies. [5 definitions] |
colonialism |
the policy or practices of a nation extending or maintaining control over previously independent territories. |
colonist |
an inhabitant or member of a colony. [2 definitions] |
colonize |
to establish a settlement on (a distant territory) and begin to rule. [3 definitions] |
colonnade |
in architecture, a series of evenly spaced columns supporting an entablature or roof. |