commence |
to begin or start. |
commencement |
the day or ceremony of graduation from a school or college. [2 definitions] |
commend |
to speak of with praise for some act or service. |
comment |
a written or spoken statement of opinion. [2 definitions] |
commentator |
a person who comments on something. Commentators often appear on radio or television shows to give opinions or explanations of news and events. |
commerce |
the buying and selling of goods or services; trade; business. |
commercial |
having to do with trade or business. [3 definitions] |
commission |
the act of performing or carrying out (something); the act of committing. [7 definitions] |
commissioner |
the head of a government department. [2 definitions] |
commit |
to do; perform. [3 definitions] |
committee |
a group of persons chosen to give attention to a particular matter. |
commodity |
something that can be bought and sold. |
common |
shared with another or others. [4 definitions] |
common cold |
a common sickness that causes sneezing, sore throat, coughing, and a stuffy nose; cold. |
common denominator |
a number into which the denominators of two or more fractions can all be evenly divided. |
commoner |
a person who is not a member of the nobility. |
commonly |
ordinarily; usually. |
common noun |
a noun that indicates a class of things or a general member of a class of things, people, or places. Common nouns usually have articles. (Compare with "proper noun.") |
commonplace |
ordinary; not special. [2 definitions] |
common sense |
ordinary good judgment in everyday matters. Common sense is learned through experience and not through education. |
commonwealth |
a state or nation governed by the people. [2 definitions] |