communicable |
capable of being spread or passed on; contagious. |
communicate |
to make known. [4 definitions] |
communication |
the sharing or exchange of messages, information, or ideas. [3 definitions] |
communion |
a sharing of feelings or thoughts. [2 definitions] |
communism |
(sometimes capitalized) a system of government in which all factories, farms, and natural resources are owned in common. |
communist |
one who believes in or supports communism. [2 definitions] |
Communist party |
a political party that supports communism. |
community |
a particular area where a group of people live. [3 definitions] |
commute |
to ride or drive a long distance to and from work or school. [2 definitions] |
Comoros |
a country made up of three islands that lie in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of the African continent. The capital of Comoros is Moroni. |
compact1 |
firmly packed together; dense. [6 definitions] |
compact2 |
an agreement or contract between people or groups. |
compact disk |
a small disk on which music or information is stored. A compact disk is played on a machine that uses a laser to read it. |
companion |
one who spends time with another or others. [2 definitions] |
companionship |
the relationship between or among companions; friendship. |
company |
a business firm or organization. [5 definitions] |
comparative |
of or involving comparison. [4 definitions] |
compare |
to note or describe the similarities or differences of. [4 definitions] |
comparison |
the act of comparing or the result of being compared. [2 definitions] |
compartment |
a part or area of something that is divided off as a section of the whole. |
compass |
an instrument for showing direction. A typical compass has a moving magnetic needle that points north. [2 definitions] |