compel |
to force or drive to do something. |
compensate |
to pay or repay. [2 definitions] |
compensation |
something given in return for or to make up for something else. |
compete |
to try to win or get something that others are also trying to get. [2 definitions] |
competent |
having the skill to do something; capable. |
competition |
the process or act of trying to win. [2 definitions] |
competitive |
having to do with or decided by competition. [2 definitions] |
competitor |
a person, group, or thing that competes. |
compile |
to gather information together to form one written work. |
complacent |
too satisfied with oneself or one's situation. |
complain |
to express pain, sadness, or unhappy feelings about something. [2 definitions] |
complaint |
an act of complaining. [3 definitions] |
complement |
something that goes well with a thing or makes a perfect addition to it. [2 definitions] |
complete |
having all of the necessary parts; whole. [6 definitions] |
completely |
entirely; absolutely. |
completion |
the act or process of finishing or completing. [2 definitions] |
complex |
difficult to understand. [2 definitions] |
complexion |
the natural color and condition of the skin, especially of the face. |
complexity |
the state or condition of being complex or complicated. |
complex sentence |
a sentence made of a main or independent clause and one or more dependent or subordinate clauses. An example of a complex sentence is, "I went to the theater, which was very crowded with people." |
complicate |
to make more difficult to do or understand. |