compute |
to figure out or calculate by using arithmetic. [2 definitions] |
computer |
an electronic device that is used to store and sort information and work with data at a high speed. |
computer graphics |
images produced by a computer than can be displayed on the screen or printed. |
computer lab |
a room where there are many computers. Computer labs are often found in schools and libraries and can usually be used for free. |
computer language |
a system of words and symbols that is used to program a computer; code. There are hundreds of computer languages, such as C, Cheetah, and JavaScript. |
computer science |
the science and study of computers, including how they are made and how they work. |
computer virus |
a code added to a computer program that can attach itself to and seriously damage other programs. |
comrade |
a close friend who shares one's main interests. |
con- |
a prefix that means "with" or "together." |
concave |
curved inward like the inside of a bowl. (Compare with "convex.") |
conceal |
to hide or keep hidden from sight. |
concede |
to admit the truth or justice of. [2 definitions] |
conceited |
having too high an opinion of oneself; vain. |
conceive |
to give shape to in the mind. [4 definitions] |
concentrate |
to bring together; focus. [5 definitions] |
concentration |
the act or process of concentrating, or the state of being concentrated. [2 definitions] |
concept |
a general idea or thought. |
conception |
the forming of concepts or ideas, or the power to do so. [2 definitions] |
concern |
to have to do with; be about; affect. [4 definitions] |
concerned |
involved or interested. [2 definitions] |
concerning |
having to do with; about; in regard to. |