condominium |
an apartment building in which each apartment is owned by the persons living in it. Each of these apartments is also called a condominium. |
condor |
one of two kinds of vultures that are the largest flying birds of the Western Hemisphere. They have a bald head and neck, dark feathers, and can measure twelve feet across when they spread their wings. |
conduct |
the way one acts; behavior. [5 definitions] |
conductor |
the leader of a musical group. [3 definitions] |
cone |
a solid figure with a flat base in the shape of a circle and one curved face that narrows into a point. [3 definitions] |
confederacy |
an alliance or union of people, groups, states, or nations. [2 definitions] |
confederate |
joined or united in a confederacy; allied. [4 definitions] |
confederation |
the act or process of confederating or allying. [2 definitions] |
confer |
to give or award. [2 definitions] |
conference |
a meeting to discuss a particular matter. |
confess |
to admit as true. [3 definitions] |
confession |
the act of confessing or admitting. [2 definitions] |
confetti |
(used with a singular verb) small pieces of colored paper thrown into the air during parades, parties, and other festivities. |
confide |
to share secrets or personal information (usually followed by "in"). |
confidence |
a sense of trust or faith in a person or thing, or in oneself. [3 definitions] |
confident |
having trust or faith; satisfied and sure. [2 definitions] |
confidential |
secret. |
confine |
to keep within limits; restrict. [3 definitions] |
confirm |
to prove or show to be true. [2 definitions] |
confirmation |
the act or process of confirming or proving. [3 definitions] |
confiscate |
to take by the power of authority. |