confirm |
to prove or show to be true. [2 definitions] |
confirmation |
the act or process of confirming or proving. [3 definitions] |
confiscate |
to take by the power of authority. |
conflict |
to disagree strongly; differ. [3 definitions] |
conflicted |
feeling one way about something and yet feeling a very different way about it at the same time. |
conform |
to act in a way that agrees with a rule or standard. |
confront |
to meet, face, or stand up to boldly. |
confuse |
to fail to see the difference between or among. [2 definitions] |
confusing |
hard to figure out or to get the correct meaning from; puzzling. |
confusion |
the act of confusing or state of being confused. |
conga |
a dance from Cuba performed by people following a leader around the dance area in single file. [2 definitions] |
congeal |
to make thick or hard, especially by cooling or freezing. |
congested |
filled with too many things or too much of a substance; clogged. |
Congo |
Republic of the Congo, formerly known as the French Congo; a country in Central Africa, south of Gabon and north of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Brazzaville is the capital of the Republic of the Congo. [2 definitions] |
Congolese |
of or pertaining to Congo or its people, culture, language, or the like. |
Congo River |
an important river in the western part of central Africa. The Congo River is the deepest in the world. The river travels through a major rainforest as it flows from Zambia through the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Then it flows along the border with another country called the Republic of the Congo. At its end, the Congo River flows into the Atlantic Ocean. |
congratulate |
to praise and express pleasure at the achievement or good luck of. |
congratulation |
the act of congratulating. [2 definitions] |
congregate |
to bring or come together to form a group; gather. |
congregation |
a crowd of people; assembly. [2 definitions] |
congress |
the branch of a national government that makes laws. [2 definitions] |