Congo |
Republic of the Congo, a country in Central Africa south of Gabon and north of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Republic of the Congo was formerly known as the French Congo. Its capital is Brazzaville. [3 definitions] |
Congolese |
of or pertaining to Congo or its people, culture, language, or the like. [2 definitions] |
Congo River |
a river of central Africa flowing into the Atlantic Ocean; Zaire River. |
congratulate |
to praise, acknowledge, and express one's pleasure at the achievement or good fortune of (a person or group). |
congratulation |
the act of congratulating. [2 definitions] |
congregate |
to bring or come together to form a group or assembly; gather. |
congregation |
the act of gathering together or congregating. [3 definitions] |
congress |
a formal assembly or meeting of representatives from various nations, states, or other organizations. [7 definitions] |
congressman |
(often cap.) a male member of the U.S. House of Representatives. |
congresswoman |
(often cap.) a female member of the U.S. House of Representatives. |
congruent |
in a state of agreement or correspondence. [2 definitions] |
conifer |
any of several evergreen trees, such as pines or firs, that bear cones. |
conjunction |
in grammar, a word such as "and," "while," or "because" that connects words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. [4 definitions] |
connect |
to join together; link. [4 definitions] |
Connecticut |
a northeastern U.S. state south of Massachusetts. (abbr.: CT) |
connection |
something that connects. [5 definitions] |
conquer |
to gain or overcome by force, esp. armed force. [4 definitions] |
conqueror |
one who gains victory. |
conquest |
the act or process of conquering. [3 definitions] |
conquistador |
one of the Spanish conquerors of the Americas in the sixteenth century. |
conscience |
the human faculty that enables one to decide between right and wrong conduct, esp. in regard to one's own actions. [2 definitions] |