constant |
going on without a pause; persistent. [2 definitions] |
constantly |
continuously; without ever stopping. [2 definitions] |
constellation |
a group of stars in the sky that is thought to look like, and is named after, an animal, object, or person. |
constituent |
forming a part of something. [3 definitions] |
constitute |
to form or make up. [3 definitions] |
constitution |
the set of basic laws by which a nation, state, or other organization is governed. [3 definitions] |
constitutional |
having to do with a constitution. [2 definitions] |
constrict |
to pull or squeeze in; make smaller or more narrow; tighten. |
constrictor |
a snake that kills its prey by winding around it and squeezing it until it can not breathe. Pythons, boa constrictors, and anacondas are constrictors. |
construct |
to build; put together. |
construction |
the act or process of building or construction. [3 definitions] |
constructive |
serving to make better or more clear; helpful. |
consul |
a government official who lives in a foreign city. A consul looks after the interests of his or her nation's citizens who live or travel there. |
consult |
to look to for advice or information. |
consultant |
someone whose job it is to give advice to others on a particular subject; expert. |
consume |
to eat, drink, or otherwise take into the body. [3 definitions] |
consumer |
someone who buys goods or services. [2 definitions] |
consumption |
the act or process of using up or consuming. [2 definitions] |
cont.1 |
abbreviation of "continue" or "continued." |
contact |
the touching of two things or people. [3 definitions] |
contact lens |
a thin, plastic lens that is worn on the eyeball to correct vision or change the color of the eyes. |