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contemporary existing in, relating to, or belonging to the same period of time. [4 definitions]
contempt the feeling or expression of angry disgust, as at something wicked or unworthy; scorn. [3 definitions]
contend to strive against difficulties or opposition (usu. fol. by "with"). [4 definitions]
content1 (usu. pl.) whatever is contained or held in a receptacle, container, or something seen as a container. [5 definitions]
content2 wanting no more than what one has; satisfied. [3 definitions]
contented satisfied with existing conditions; content.
contest a struggle for superiority or victory. [5 definitions]
contestant one who participates in a contest; competitor. [2 definitions]
context the language surrounding a particular usage of a word, phrase, or sentence, or the situation in which the piece of language is used. [2 definitions]
continent one of the earth's major land masses, such as North America, Australia, or Antarctica. [3 definitions]
continental shelf the submerged rim of a continent, from which descent to the ocean floor is usu. precipitous.
continual occurring without interruption or breaks; unceasing. [2 definitions]
continue to go on; persist. [7 definitions]
continuing still going on or happening; not over.
continuous extending or enduring without pausing or stopping; unceasing; unbroken.
contour the outline of a surface, form, or figure; shape. [7 definitions]
contract an agreement, usu. legally binding, entered into by two or more parties that specifies what each party will do or not do. [8 definitions]
contraction an act of contracting. [3 definitions]
contractor one who agrees by contract to do specified work at a certain price and to supply all necessary materials. [2 definitions]
contradict to assert the opposite of; deny the truth of. [4 definitions]
contradictory involving, containing, or being a contradiction; inconsistent; contrary. [3 definitions]