contrary |
completely different; opposite. [3 definitions] |
contrast |
to compare in order to make differences clear. [4 definitions] |
contribute |
to give for a purpose. [2 definitions] |
contribution |
the act of contributing. [2 definitions] |
contrive |
to plan in a clever way; invent. |
control |
to use power to manage or command. [6 definitions] |
control tower |
a tower at an airport. Air traffic is directed by radios in the control tower. |
controversial |
sparking disagreements; not accepted as true by everyone. |
controversy |
a disagreement; debate. |
convection |
the movement or transfer of heat through a liquid or gas because of the natural rising of the heated parts and sinking of the cooled parts. |
convene |
to gather or come together for a meeting. |
convenience |
the quality of being useful or handy for someone's purpose or need. [2 definitions] |
convenience store |
a store, often near a busy road or highway, that is like a small grocery store and is open long hours. |
convenient |
easily used for someone's needs, purposes, or comfort; useful. [2 definitions] |
convent |
a group of nuns living together and devoted to a religious life. [2 definitions] |
convention |
a formal meeting or gathering where people discuss shared interests. [2 definitions] |
conventional |
put in place by custom or use; traditional. |
conversation |
talk between people. [2 definitions] |
converse1 |
to have a talk. |
conversion |
the act or process of changing. [2 definitions] |
convert |
to change into another form or state. [4 definitions] |