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convention a formal meeting or assembly called together to discuss or pursue common interests. [4 definitions]
conventional adhering closely to accepted customs and standards. [3 definitions]
conversation oral exchange of ideas, opinions, and the like. [2 definitions]
converse1 to have an oral exchange or conversation; talk. [2 definitions]
conversion the act or process of converting. [6 definitions]
convert to transform (something) into another form, substance, or state. [5 definitions]
convertible capable of being changed in shape, function, or nature. [4 definitions]
convex having a surface or outer edge that curves outward like the outside of a ball. (Cf. concave.)
convey to carry from one place or person to another. [4 definitions]
conveyor belt a continuous moving belt used to carry materials placed upon it.
convict to find (a person) guilty of a crime or misdemeanor, esp. after a legal proceeding. [3 definitions]
conviction the process or act of finding a person guilty of a crime or misdemeanor. [3 definitions]
convince to cause to accept or believe; persuade (often fol. by "of").
convinced confident in one's belief about something. [2 definitions]
convincing able to make one believe in the validity or truth of what is being presented.
convulse to cause to shake heavily and uncontrollably, as with laughter, pain, or fear. [3 definitions]
convulsion a violent, involuntary, spasmodic contraction of the muscles. [3 definitions]
cook to subject (food) to a heating process in preparation for eating. [7 definitions]
cookbook a book containing recipes, directions for cooking, and other information about food.
cookie a small, sweet, flat or ball-shaped cake baked from stiff dough. [3 definitions]
cooking the act or process of preparing food or meals. [2 definitions]