corrode |
to cause to wear away slowly. |
corrosion |
the act or condition of being worn or eaten away slowly. [2 definitions] |
corrupt |
not honest; wicked. [4 definitions] |
corruption |
activity that is not honest, especially secret, illegal activity. |
corsage |
a small bunch of flowers worn by a woman at the shoulder, waist, or on the wrist. |
cosmetic |
a preparation used on the face or body to make the person wearing it look more attractive. Lipstick, nail polish, and powder are cosmetics. |
cosmic |
of or relating to the universe. |
cosmonaut |
an astronaut from Russia or the former Soviet Union. |
cosmos |
the universe considered as a whole. |
cost |
the amount of money charged or paid for something. [5 definitions] |
Costa Rica |
a country in Central America. San Jose is the capital of Costa Rica. |
costly |
of high cost or value. |
costume |
the type of clothing worn in a particular place or time or by members of a particular group. [2 definitions] |
cosy |
another spelling of cozy. |
cot1 |
a small bed that folds up. [2 definitions] |
Cote d'Ivoire |
a West African country on the Atlantic coast between Ghana and Liberia. The capital of Cote d'Ivoire is Yamoussoukro. |
cottage |
a small house. |
cottage cheese |
a soft, white cheese made of slightly soured skim milk. |
cotton |
a plant that makes soft, white fibers. These fibers are used to make thread or cloth. [5 definitions] |
cotton candy |
a candy made of soft, tiny bits of melted sugar spun around a stick or paper cone. Cotton candy looks like a mass of cotton but melts very quickly in one's mouth. Cotton candy is often sold at outdoor events such as fairs or festivals, or at amusement parks. |
cottonmouth |
a poisonous North American snake that lives in swamps; water moccasin. |