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cost the amount of money charged or paid for something. [5 definitions]
Costa Rica a country in Central America. San Jose is the capital of Costa Rica.
costly of high cost or value.
costume the type of clothing worn in a particular place or time or by members of a particular group. [2 definitions]
cosy another spelling of cozy.
cot1 a small bed that folds up. [2 definitions]
Cote d'Ivoire a West African country on the Atlantic coast between Ghana and Liberia. The capital of Cote d'Ivoire is Yamoussoukro.
cottage a small house.
cottage cheese a soft, white cheese made of slightly soured skim milk.
cotton a plant that makes soft, white fibers. These fibers are used to make thread or cloth. [5 definitions]
cotton candy a candy made of soft, tiny bits of melted sugar spun around a stick or paper cone. Cotton candy looks like a mass of cotton but melts very quickly in one's mouth. Cotton candy is often sold at outdoor events such as fairs or festivals, or at amusement parks.
cottonmouth a poisonous North American snake that lives in swamps; water moccasin.
cottontail a kind of rabbit that has brown or gray fur and a fluffy white tail. Cottontails live in North and South America.
cottonwood a North American tree of the poplar family. Cottonwoods grow quickly and bear seeds surrounded by fiber that looks like cotton. [2 definitions]
couch a piece of indoor furniture made for a number of people to sit on at the same time; sofa.
cougar a common name for a puma, a large wild cat with tan fur. Cougars live in many parts of North and South America. They are carnivorous mammals. They are also called mountain lions or panthers.
cough to release air noisily from the lungs. A cough results from illness or from breathing in foreign matter. [4 definitions]
cough drop a medication in the form of a small piece of hard candy, used for soothing a cough or sore throat.
could used to express that there was ability to do something in the past, or that an action or state was possible in the past. [2 definitions]
couldn't shortened form of "could not."
council a group of persons gathered together to discuss or make decisions about public matters. For example, a city council may make laws for or give advice on how to run a city.