Costa Rica |
a Central American country between Panama and Nicaragua. |
costly |
of high cost, value, or expense. [2 definitions] |
costume |
the type or style of clothing, jewelry, makeup, and the like worn in a particular place or time or by members of a particular profession or group. [4 definitions] |
cosy |
variant of cozy. |
cot1 |
a small portable bed, esp. one that folds up. [2 definitions] |
Cote d'Ivoire |
a West African country on the Atlantic coast between Ghana and Liberia. |
cottage |
a small or modest detached home, usu. for one family. [2 definitions] |
cottage cheese |
a soft white mild-flavored cheese made of slightly soured skim-milk curds. |
cotton |
a plant that produces soft, white fibers used in making a variety of textile products. [6 definitions] |
cotton candy |
a candy consisting of melted sugar spun into a fluffy mass around a stick or paper cone. |
cottonmouth |
a poisonous North American snake that lives in swamps; water moccasin. |
cottontail |
any of several North American rabbits having conspicuous white tails. |
cottonwood |
any of several rapid-growing American poplars that bear seeds with cottonlike hair. [2 definitions] |
couch |
a large piece of upholstered furniture with a back and usu. with arms, on which several people can sit or one can lie; sofa. [4 definitions] |
cougar |
a large tan wild cat of North and South America; mountain lion; puma. |
cough |
to release air noisily and spasmodically from the lungs as a result of illness or foreign matter in the respiratory system. [6 definitions] |
cough drop |
a small candylike lozenge that is medicated for relieving a cough, sore throat, or the like. |
could |
used to express that there was ability to do something in the past, or that an action or state was possible in the past. [4 definitions] |
couldn't |
contracted form of "could not." |
council |
an assembly of persons gathered together for administrative, legislative, or advisory purposes. [2 definitions] |
counsel |
guidance or advice, esp. as given by an authority or wise person. [6 definitions] |