crank |
a mechanical device for applying rotary motion, consisting of a lever arm or disk attached at right angles to the end of a rotating shaft and turned by hand or connecting rod. [6 definitions] |
crank out |
to produce in great numbers, esp. in a mechanical manner. |
cranky |
cross-tempered; grouchy. [3 definitions] |
crash1 |
(of a vehicle or moving object) to strike violently (usu. fol. by "through," "into," or "against"). [16 definitions] |
crate |
a container for packing and shipping, usu. made of rough wood slats. [3 definitions] |
crater |
a bowl-shaped depression with a raised rim, such as the mouth of a volcano or geyser, or the circular depressions on the surface of the moon, usu. with a mountain at their center. [3 definitions] |
crave |
to desire intensely or need urgently. [3 definitions] |
crawfish |
variant of crayfish. [2 definitions] |
crawl |
to move slowly with the body close to, or dragged along on, the ground; creep. [7 definitions] |
crayfish |
any of several small freshwater crustaceans related to and resembling the lobster. [2 definitions] |
crayon |
a colored stick or pencil, esp. one made of wax, used for drawing and coloring. [3 definitions] |
crazy |
(informal) mentally deranged; insane or acting insanely. [8 definitions] |
creak |
to make, or move with, a grating or squeaking noise, as a chair under the stress of a person's weight. [3 definitions] |
cream |
the part of whole milk that contains butterfat. [14 definitions] |
creamer |
a small container that holds cream for serving. [3 definitions] |
cream of the crop |
the best one. |
creamy |
creamlike in taste, consistency, or appearance; smooth-textured. [2 definitions] |
crease |
a groove or fold, produced by heat or pressure. [6 definitions] |
create |
to bring into being. [3 definitions] |
creation |
the act of creating or of causing something to exist. [3 definitions] |
creative |
capable of inventing or producing something original or imaginative. [2 definitions] |