crash1 |
to strike violently while riding or moving. [7 definitions] |
crate |
a box for packing and shipping made of wood or other material. [2 definitions] |
crater |
a hollow area shaped like the inside of a bowl. The mouth of a volcano is a crater, and the moon has many craters on its surface. |
crave |
to need or desire very much. |
crawfish |
another form of crayfish. |
crawl |
to move along, usually slowly, with one's body very close to the ground or other surface; creep. [6 definitions] |
crayfish |
a small animal with a hard, jointed shell that lives in fresh water. Crayfish are crustaceans and are closely related to lobsters. |
crayon |
a colored stick or pencil made of wax. A crayon is used for drawing and coloring. [2 definitions] |
crazy |
(informal) having a mental illness; insane. [4 definitions] |
creak |
to make or move with a grinding or squeaking noise. [2 definitions] |
cream |
the part of whole milk that contains fat. Butter is made from cream. [6 definitions] |
creamer |
a small container that holds cream for serving. [2 definitions] |
cream of the crop |
the best one. |
creamy |
having the taste, color, or texture of cream. [2 definitions] |
crease |
a fold or dent made by heat or pressure. [2 definitions] |
create |
to bring into being. [2 definitions] |
creation |
the act of creating or of causing something to exist. [3 definitions] |
creative |
able to make or do something new or with imagination. |
creativity |
the ability to make or invent something original or imaginative. |
creator |
a person who creates. [2 definitions] |
creature |
a living person or animal. |