creed |
a set of beliefs held by a person or group. |
Creek |
a member of a group of American Indian peoples formed from groups who lived in Alabama and Georgia, but are now mostly in Oklahoma. |
creek |
a stream that is smaller than a river; brook. |
creep |
to move with the body close to the ground; crawl. [7 definitions] |
creepy |
of or causing a feeling of anxiety, fear, or disgust similar to that which might be produced by something crawling on one's skin. |
crepe |
a thin cloth with a wrinkled surface. [3 definitions] |
crepe paper |
thin paper with wrinkles. Crepe paper is used for decoration. |
crept |
past tense and past participle of "creep." |
crescendo |
an increase in loudness or force in a piece of music. |
crescent |
the shape of the moon when it looks to us like a narrow arc. The moon appears as a crescent in its first and last quarters. [3 definitions] |
crest |
a tuft of feathers, bone, or fur on an animal's head, or something that looks like this. The comb of a rooster is one kind of crest. [4 definitions] |
crew |
a group of people who work together. [2 definitions] |
crib |
a bed with high sides for a baby or young child. [3 definitions] |
cricket1 |
an insect that is related to a grasshopper. It has long antennae and strong hind legs for jumping. The male makes a chirping noise by rubbing his front wings together. |
cricket2 |
an English game played outdoors with a ball and bat by two teams of eleven members each. |
cried |
past tense and past participle of "cry." |
crime |
something a person does that is against the law. [3 definitions] |
criminal |
of or having to do with crime. [3 definitions] |
crimson |
the color that comes from mixing red and a small amount of purple paint. |
crinkle |
to make small ripples or wrinkles in. [4 definitions] |
cripple |
a person or animal that cannot use a part of its body because of a disease or injury. [3 definitions] |