damp |
slightly wet; not completely dry. [2 definitions] |
dampen |
to make moist or slightly wet. [2 definitions] |
dance |
to move the feet and body in a rhythmic way, usually to music. [7 definitions] |
dancer |
someone who is dancing or whose profession is dancing. |
dandelion |
a common plant with bright yellow flowers and leaves with points along the edges. Dandelion leaves can be eaten raw or cooked as vegetables, and wine is sometimes made from the flowers. |
dandruff |
a thin white crust of dead skin that forms on the scalp and is shed in flakes. |
dandy |
(informal) very fine; pleasing; excellent. |
Dane |
a person who was born in or is a citizen of Denmark. |
danger |
a chance or likelihood that something bad or harmful may happen; peril; risk. [2 definitions] |
dangerous |
likely to cause harm; not safe. |
dangle |
to hang or swing loosely. [2 definitions] |
Danish |
of or having to do with Denmark, or its people or language. [3 definitions] |
Danish pastry |
a light, flaky pastry that is made of raised dough, filled with cheese, fruit, or other sweet filling. Danish pastries are often criss-crossed with white icing. |
Danube River |
an important river in Europe that starts in Germany and flows south and east through many countries in central Europe. When it finally reaches the country of Ukraine, it flows into the Black Sea. |
dare |
to be brave enough or careless enough to do something. [3 definitions] |
daredevil |
a person who puts himself or herself in danger by doing daring or dangerous things. [2 definitions] |
daresay |
suppose or think likely. |
daring |
the quality of being bold and willing to take risks; courage. [2 definitions] |
dark |
having little or no light. [5 definitions] |
darken |
to cause to be dark or darker. [2 definitions] |
darkness |
lack of light. [2 definitions] |