darkness |
lack of light. [2 definitions] |
darling |
a person who is loved very much by the person speaking. [2 definitions] |
darn1 |
to mend by weaving thread or yarn over a hole in cloth. |
dart |
a short arrow thrown with the hand or shot from a gun. [4 definitions] |
dash |
to throw or toss with great force so as to break. [8 definitions] |
dashboard |
a panel below the windshield in a car or other vehicle. Dashboards have dials, controls, and spaces for keeping things. |
data |
facts, figures, or other pieces of information that can be used to learn about something. The word "data" is the plural form of "datum," but is often used with a singular verb. |
database |
a large collection of information in a computer. In a database, information is arranged so that it can be quickly changed or searched through. |
data processing |
the storing and use of information by computers. |
date1 |
a particular day or point in time. [6 definitions] |
date2 |
the sweet fruit of the date palm tree, which grows in the Middle East. |
dated |
having a date. [2 definitions] |
daub |
to smear or cover with something soft and sticky, such as paint. [2 definitions] |
daughter |
a person's female child. |
daughter-in-law |
the wife of one's son. |
dawdle |
to waste time; be slow. |
dawn |
the first daylight that appears in the morning; daybreak. [5 definitions] |
day |
the period between sunrise and sunset. [3 definitions] |
daybreak |
the first daylight in the morning; dawn. |
day care |
care during the day, in a home or special center, for babies or children too young for school. Some day care is designed for elderly or disabled people. |
daydream |
something similar to a dream but one that occurs when one is awake. A daydream comes from the imagination and often contains pleasant thoughts and fantasies. [2 definitions] |